Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Spark...

Each night after I head out from the barn, I usually swing up to the barn owner's house for a moment to say hello and let her know that everything is just as it should be - and am very fortunate that most night she shares a cup of tea or some freshly-made juice while we sort out the world's problems and have a few laughs. The other night, an interesting topic came up.

We talked about being 30-somethings who feel as though in some areas of our lives we have misplaced that spark that makes us "us". We had the most wonderful chat about the things we used to love about ourselves that we might need to reconnect with.

Although it would probably surprise a lot of my friends today, I have actually been known for being rather spunky and fearless. I used to be a radio dj. I was an avid rock climber and runner. I love to take long, 10 hour +, road trips on my own.

So I made a step in that direction this weekend, connecting with a friend who is a chef to see if I can come observe him at some point in the kitchen. It's kind of a dream of mine. I don't think I could hack (or want to) the daily operation in something like that, but I really do want to see how it all goes down. He said yes - so we'll see!

I'm also trying to foster it in this gal -

I want her to know that it's okay to be just who she is, but that it's exciting and good for us to step out of our comfort zone now and again. So I think we're going to go indoor rock climbing with Grandfather soon. I used to run a climbing gym in my heyday, and I'd like her to see if it's something she likes - if not, that's totally cool, but she tried, and that's what it's all about. 

This guy and I had a conversation this morning about what he wants to do - baseball? "YES!" Rock Climbing? "No. That's just hilarious," He says. :)  He says his favorite thing is to run - so there ya go. 

I've been so inspired by the reading I've been doing lately by all of the people out there who are loving and empowering kids to be just who they are and proud of it. Some people are lamenting this next generation and their inability to adapt and deal with disappointment. And I think it's a valid concern. I also think that there are those of us out there who are trying our best to equip their children to live in this world as they are - and to make it a better and more beautiful place to be in the best way they know how. I know I don't get it right a lot of the time, but I do know that putting forth the effort regardless is important.

And to finish - because it's out of character for me and I was slightly proud.  :)

I needed fingerless gloves for these frigid nights at the barn, and couldn't find any straight away. So I purchased a pair - just to cut up. This goes against every fiber of my being. Ha! They are perfect and I'm so glad I did. It's something small, but I think every little thing that stretches us helps!

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