Tuesday, January 7, 2014


In the act of catching up - we took a gorgeous hike around the Table Rock, SC area the day after Thanksgiving with my stepmom and dad.

It's one of my favorite places - it's close and beautiful - fulfilling two important criteria for spur-of-the-moment hikes.

There are a ton of waterfalls - this is just a small one on the way up.

How does one woman get so lucky to have this silly guy for a dad and this silly girl for a daughter?

Will was disinclined to have pictures taken, so we have one of his and mommy's shadows and holding on to Grandfather for dear life.  

I am so lucky to have so many wonderful people in my life. To have such beautiful surroundings for a post-Thanksgiving picnic and hike.

My struggles are many - like why I am suddenly one of the angriest people alive, with no good cause to show for it, but moments like these bring it back into focus for me. It doesn't take my general frustration away (let's not get me started on common core and my current inability to provide for my children and homeschool them). But it makes it bearable. It reminds me that I'm surrounded by some pretty amazing people, and for that I am truly grateful.

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