Sunday, February 20, 2011

Yep - I'm still a kid.

Not that this is really a surprise to anyone - but it's just become evident to me in the past couple of days how many ways I am still really a kid. Like:

  1. I made apple bread this morning. I had to sit and watch it bake. Oven light on. Oven light off. I'm worse than my 1-year-old.
  2. When outside with the kids, I'd rather run around with them, pick up sticks and hunt for fun stuff in the woods than I would check my phone.
  3. Also when outside I LOVE to sit and just take in a small bit of ground in minute detail. I like to watch the ants crawling through the forest of grass, roots, rocks and dandelions.
  4. Washing the car is fun - no really - it is. :D
  5. I like to paint, color and doodle.
  6. I still think pretzels and goldfish with apple juice make a good snack.
  7. I like water slides and swimming. If I'm going to a pool or the ocean I expect my hair to get wet. Thus I have no time for a bikini - one piece or firmly fitted two piece it is.
  8. I still like to fly kites - and I still want a really nice one from that tiny shop in St. Augustine, Florida.
I guess that's all I can think of at the moment - but I'm making a pact with myself to really take the time to enjoy these things more. :) why not?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Bright blue sky...

Woke up this morning (okay not actually when I woke up since I am almost always up before the sun) reveling in just how blue the sky is this morning! And after checking in on Mel's blog - I'm reminded just how much promise each day has. Wasn't it from Anne of Green Gables that was said, "Tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes."? Or something similar ;-)

I love that. Today is fresh. It has no mistakes in it yet. I haven't spent the day with a grumpy face and griping. I have the chance to smile at this day - and I'm going to take it. :-)

Now - let's see how long that will last as I begin potty training - oh my.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Just in a weird place lately...

That really pretty much sums it all up. I'm in a weird place, and it's a lonely one.

I hesitate to say that I'm depressed. I don't think that's it really. It's just lonely around here lately. Michael is working nonstop now to make up for all of the not working that happened over the last few months. I'm still trying to find some work to do, and doing what I can from home.

My buddy Cathie is in Phoenix and I guess that's a big part of what's so hard! We have similarly aged kids, and we love one another's kids as our own. I miss that terribly! I think part of the reason that I miss that is that there's this weird thing since mom's gone. There's no one else who thinks my kids are the greatest thing in the world.

There's Michael's mom - but that's not the same to me because we've never had that sort of connection. So having a friend who is just as apt to brag on my kids as her own means a lot. *sigh*

Everyone else who loves me and my kids is wondnerful - they're just busy - as they should be. They have their own families, mostly with older children, and their own lives. It's really that missing mom bit, I think. She'd be here. She'd be playing with the kids. She'd be taking them to the zoo or out for ice cream. And that's all to me now.

It is what it is. I can't sit in a deep, dark place my entire life because I miss mom. I'll never stop missing her, it's just that occasionally I miss her more keenly, and that's been very evident lately.

So there. :-) In other news, Michael's mom has back surgery tomorrow - so we're praying that goes well. I'm crocheting the Tiramisu baby blanket for a baby gift that my sister wants to give to someone and trying to stay busy!!


Monday, January 31, 2011

So what does it mean...

when you dream about hamburger. And I mean A. LOT. OF. HAMBURGER.

I was walking through my kitchen wondering what to make for dinner and opened the fridge and started fishing around only to find unused and spoiling several huge family packs of hamburger. I was really distraught over it. I just kept looking at it and shaking my head, trying to figure out what to do.
