Sunday, February 20, 2011

Yep - I'm still a kid.

Not that this is really a surprise to anyone - but it's just become evident to me in the past couple of days how many ways I am still really a kid. Like:

  1. I made apple bread this morning. I had to sit and watch it bake. Oven light on. Oven light off. I'm worse than my 1-year-old.
  2. When outside with the kids, I'd rather run around with them, pick up sticks and hunt for fun stuff in the woods than I would check my phone.
  3. Also when outside I LOVE to sit and just take in a small bit of ground in minute detail. I like to watch the ants crawling through the forest of grass, roots, rocks and dandelions.
  4. Washing the car is fun - no really - it is. :D
  5. I like to paint, color and doodle.
  6. I still think pretzels and goldfish with apple juice make a good snack.
  7. I like water slides and swimming. If I'm going to a pool or the ocean I expect my hair to get wet. Thus I have no time for a bikini - one piece or firmly fitted two piece it is.
  8. I still like to fly kites - and I still want a really nice one from that tiny shop in St. Augustine, Florida.
I guess that's all I can think of at the moment - but I'm making a pact with myself to really take the time to enjoy these things more. :) why not?


Rebecca said...

<3 !

Mel said...


Have you forgotten my character makeup?

Kites--we got 'em.

Water -- someone's getting wet and most probably EVERYone's getting wet.

Gimme a cuppa coffee. Skip the juice, tyvm. More for you--be glad about that.

ANYthing that involves using the hose--refer back to water point!

Bugs?! :-) I name our spiders around the house and relocate 'em out of high traffic areas so they're not getting injurred.....I'd be really, REALLY upset!

Cellphone? You're suppose to check 'em?! UH oh......

Oh....and just for the record "Are we THERE yet" and "Is it DONE yet" are two of my favoritest lines.
