Monday, October 4, 2010

Let the upswing begin!!

As you've gathered, the past month has been rough. But I'm in firm belief that the upswing has begun. Even though DH's back is causing him some pain, he's working today - woo hoo!! Income? What's this thing you speak of? LOL

I'm still on the job hunt, but at least there may be an end in sight for the bulk of the $ woes. As for the rest of it, it's getting better by the day. Catching the kiddos coloring on Sam's WHITE bed today was just par for the course. :-)  At least it was in yellow!


Mel said...

Ohhhhh....and yellow is such a HAPPY colour! :-)

Progress is progress--and I'm assured attitude is everything.

I'll let ya know. LOL

Unknown said...

Hi there! Glad to see you're back to blogging. Hope things are looking up. Have you seen the new die cutter from Accuquilt? I want one but they are so expensive!!! Plus, who has time to sew with two kids????

By the way, I drew on my sheets as a child... and my bedroom door. LOL. Kids. Audrey drew on my coffee table last week. I could've killed Dave for not stopping her!

Oh, and I ditched my old blog for a "new" one...