Friday, September 24, 2010

Busted lips...

Okay - this is completely petty - but I'm gonna whine for just a second. Kiddo 2 busted my lip last night! And when I say busted, I mean it. Big nasty mess, doesn't stop bleeding for 20 minutes, probably shoulda had stitches but oh well - busted.

I might not mind so much if  it weren't the second time this has happened in less than a year. And the problem is that it's all because of my stupid crooked front teeth. If the edge of that tooth didn't stick out just a bit, there'd be nothing to bust the lip on. It might hurt, but it wouldn't split wide open. *sigh*

So there - I'm done. Adding invisalign to the list of wants in my head.


Rebecca said...

oh man! hope it heals quickly and doesnt hurt too bad

Mel said...


Done about the busted lip, perhaps.
CERTAINLY not done whining, right?
Where's the fun in that?!