Tuesday, October 26, 2010


You know - when I was transcribing, I typed contentious one time by mistake. The word was meant to be conscientious. Actually, auto-correct was partially to blame. :)

That seems to pretty well describe a lot of what's going on in my life right now. Where people (including me at times) should be conscientious, they are being contentious. And it's getting old. Really old.

I know I don't always understand people and their motivations - that's not my job. But there are times when it seems like the world has been turned up on its ear and I'm just looking around wondering when I can get off this silly ride.

A prime example is my daughter and her cousin. I used to watch him 4 days a week, and now it's just from time to time when his grandmother has a doctor's appointment or the like. Today is one of those days.

And - as it goes - instead of having a fun day together since they haven't seen each other in a bit - contentiousness replaces conscientiousness. *sigh* Why is he the only person on the planet that she feels compelled to scratch or bite??? I know that kids do this - I know that they have to learn how to effectively deal with their anger and frustration. The problem is that right now I'm not sure that I'm effectively dealing with my anger/frustration. :(

So today's/this week's goal for me and my house is to figure out how to help conscientiousness replace the contentiousness. (A lofty goal - I know).


Mel said...

Oh, nooooo--I think it's a GREAT goal!

WPIML tells me I do NOT have to attend every argument I'm invited to.

I suggest he stops inviting me then. LOL

It's a good goal.
The world could use a bit more conscientiousness, dontcha think?

<-- thinks so!

Rebecca said...

I can soooo relate
so frustrating
big hugs and good luck with a lofty and worthy goal