Thursday, October 28, 2010

It's a new day -

and I'm sleepy thanks to kiddos who decided that 1:30 am was a good time to be awake. I know it's part and parcel of being a mom. And even though I stay home with said kiddos, that doesn't mean that I'm going to get a nap today. When else am I supposed to mop the floor??  :)

Anyway- in regards to my lofty goal and stinkiness of yesterday - fortunately the stinky, mean email people decided that it was best to let well enough alone - thank heavens. So hopefully that's the last that we've heard of that.

AND - so far today is a better day in being conscientious - so far. :) As much as I'm a dreamer, I am a realist after all and recognize that it's been a pretty easy morning so far. 

In reflecting on yesterday, even though my lovely DH started a firestorm with his VERY contentious (I'm loving this can you tell?) email, he stood up for himself and someone else. He called someone on the carpet who is professing certain beliefs in the public arena, then turning around off-stage and treating people just horribly. DH did it with honesty and without simply "bashing" this fellow. It was balanced with compliments for what the other guy is good at. Compared to the reply that he received  it was a masterpiece. And really - I'm proud. :)

What have we come to that we all have to be so careful of someone else's ego that we can't speak the truth any longer? That's not right. People who are afraid to speak the truth (granted that we do it in a balanced and loving way if possible) aren't people who change the world - even their immediate world and circumstances. They're people who stay where they are, accepting mediocrity and never making a difference to themselves or anyone around them.

Fear is a very crippling thing, and I'm glad that DH didn't bow to it. :) I'm a proud wifey. :)

Now - to continue on in being conscientious. HA!


Mel said...

WELL then! I'm proud for the fella too!
And I'm equally proud of you for getting back on the conscientious road!

Ohhhhhh...and I definitely liked the bit about the poor fella's who's accepting mediocrity--cuz I've found that's pretty darn true. I also confess that there was a time *I* accepted it. AND more than once I was into attending (and instigating) arguments willy nilly.
I rather enjoyed being a **it stirrer, truth be told.
Watching others sit and spin and make themselves look stupid was one of my all time favorite pasttimes. LOLOL Seriously!

Yeah, yeah.....again I hear WPIML: 'Is it necessary, kind and true? If not....shut up til it is.'
Yeahyeah..he knew the audience he was speaking to well.

I'm well practiced today.
Cuz I got cuffed on the back of the head every time I 'forgot' one of those qualifiers. *laughing*

PROBABLY explains the brain tumor! (k....not really, but that's my story and I'm sticking to it!)

((((((((((((( SB )))))))))))))))

I've sooooooooooo missed you! :-)

Sara said...

I've missed you too! :-)

I'd forgotten the "necessary, kind and true" qualifier. So glad that you mentioned it! I need reminding on a very regular basis and probably at least an ear boxing.

In the meantime - I'll keep making very pitiful balloon animals for the kiddos.