Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The best laid plans...

In an effort to be conscientious, I lost my temper and yelled at everyone in my house today - wait - that didn't go as planned.

I don't like it when *real life* steps in to my goals. I like my plans.

I would appreciate it if know-it-all stinkyheads wouldn't harass my DH about his company late at night so that he will feel compelled to write ill-conceived responses under the effects of PM cold medicine, which result in stinkyhead's wife/manager writing more stinky emails at 3 am so that everyone can be even and insulting.

*sigh*  So I put an end to it all this morning with a four sentence email from DH's account. Not verbatim, but the gist is - Thanks for your quick reply to the email that wasn't sent to you. I expressed my opinions to Mr. X only, and haven't and wouldn't express them elsewhere, therefore negating your accusations of slander. Don't worry about us using Mr. X's name anymore - it will not be referenced in future. Thanks, and best of luck.

Why couldn't this have just happened in the first place??? Why did it even have to turn into stinkytown with stinkyness and screw up my nicely planned morning trip to Trader Joe's?

It all goes back to the fact that the more I know, the more I find that I don't know much. I don't understand people.

What really bothers me though is that I let it get to me. I let this silly man and his silly wife-manager screw up my morning and torque me until I yelled. Grrrr. Must find more tools for emotional coping. It's been so long since I've lost my temper like this that I'm at a loss. Time to do a little more tinkering on me.


Mel said... do not have to attend every argument you're invited to. LOLOL

k...back at it missy! You ain't gettin' off that easy!!!!


Sara said...

*doh* :-) yep I think I need to show up a little less when it comes to argument invites :-)

Back to work... On me!!

Rebecca said...

"I lost my temper and yelled at everyone in my house today - wait - that didn't go as planned...What really bothers me though is that I let it get to me. I let this silly man and his silly wife-manager screw up my morning and torque me until I yelled. Grrrr. Must find more tools for emotional coping. It's been so long since I've lost my temper like this that I'm at a loss. Time to do a little more tinkering on me."

hello?! did i write that? oh, no, it's written much more articulately (is that a word) but i swear we must be living parallel lives.
hang in there - you're not alone in this.

Sara said...

Oh no, Rebecca! No one else should feel this way. Stinky!! Let's just go have coffee and some delicious and fattening pastry and knit until it all goes away eh? :)

Mel said...

*tap tap tap*


<-- likes coffee!!!!! :-/

Sara said...

What Mel - you don't like fattening pastry too?? :)