Monday, September 20, 2010

I'm an addict...

I guess I have an addictive personality - in a very specific and weird way. When I find something like I like to read, I become ridiculously addicted. Terry Pratchett and Elizabeth Peters both have their very own shelves in my library. I have to own everything they've written, and I'm getting close!

My most recent reading addiction as actually been a blog, which is funny because I have a hard time reading my friend's blogs regularly (sorry guys!) I really am the worst. I'll pop in with a random comment and they'll smack immediately back with, "There you are! We thought you'd fallen off the face of the earth!"

However, The Pioneer Woman got my attention. The story of how she met her hubby (Black heels to tractor wheels), the recipes, photography tips, homeschooling info and everything else just make me go all fuzzy inside!

So here's to my silly addiction... head on over and see if she can make an addict out of you too!

1 comment:

Mel said...

Oh lordie---- I checked it out and there are soooooo many tabs and buttons. LOL

<-- simple woman
<-- gets lost if she goes into people's history for crying out loud!


Geeze it's good to see you!