Monday, January 31, 2011

So what does it mean...

when you dream about hamburger. And I mean A. LOT. OF. HAMBURGER.

I was walking through my kitchen wondering what to make for dinner and opened the fridge and started fishing around only to find unused and spoiling several huge family packs of hamburger. I was really distraught over it. I just kept looking at it and shaking my head, trying to figure out what to do.



Mel said...

Oh and don't tap me on the shoulder.

I'll hope you thought to simply fry it up and freeze it.
That way you can use it at will.

Mel said...

*snickering* Woulda been handier to simply have me in the dream--and much more useful! LOLOL

Sara said...

I do need to start adding you to my dreams - there have been some weird ones lately!

I'm so glad that you posted on this as well- I've needed a friendly face/voice lately. Been a bit lonely round here. :)

Hugs to Mel!