So here it is. It's coming along (and I've done more since the pic.) The stupid thing is that I'm still goign to try to do NaKniSweMo and I figured out last night that I need to be knitting 50 rows a day on the scarf to finish it in time for dad's party.
I can't really figure out how many rows I'm going to have to do on the sweater to get it done, as it's one of those "knit until it's as long as you'd like it to be" kind of deals. I did however swatch for gauge and that's in good shape at least!
In other things, life is just plugging along as usual. It's hunting season so that's where Michael is. Sam's doing great. She loves to play with my yarn which is sweet, but makes it slightly difficult to knit while she's awake! Still working, still playing, still here!
The 'still playing' IS required yaknow!!!
Just sayin'.......
((((((((((( SB ))))))))))))))
That's so cool!
My dad also disappears during hunting season. Apparently he got sick on opening day and had to come home by lunch. He's ok now, but was totally bummed.
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