Friday, November 5, 2010

sleepier and sleepier

I'm not entirely sure why I'm so tired. But I am. Really. Tired.

I could go on and on about financial stuff, how I need a vast quantity of me time, how much I hate picking up after other adults and all sorts of other funness.

But really - why? The deal is, I'm just tired. I do need some me time, but I don't currently have any way to get it. So I'll keep plugging on and hope that things iron out sooner than later - then I might go sleep for two days. :)


Rebecca said...

ooh man!!! i know that all of us women go through that and i'm currently going through it myself - think i have been for the past 9 years ;) ) but i sure hate it when someone else is gong through it - biggest hugs to you. get the rest you need (can you nap when kids nap or do they not both nap or naps out of sync?) and i really rally hope you can find some way to get a few hours to yourself.

Rebecca said...

oh and just making the connection with your new added on stresses of your new job - is it neccessary financially or is it for your own personal growth? your kids being little maybe it's just too much and you could let go of it if it's not a total necessity financially or psychologically?

Mel said...

Oh sure....I read this AFTER I kvetch about things going wrong. *laughing*

G-d's implicit timing, eh?

Fine. is life. Stuff is going to happen, we're gonna get to practice acceptance and not giving our happiness away. (listen to me....LOL....yes, I DO hear me, so pffffttttt!)

Rest when weary.
That's what I get told all the time. And frankly, if I don't make the arrangements, seems the Big Guy makes 'em for me (and then it's usually painful..LOL).
Make the time. Let someone take the kiddos for a chunk of time. Ask 'em....and then let 'em.

Yeahyeahyeah....I know, humbling to do, but necessary sometimes, yaknow?
